Best websites to help with uni assignments

by - January 12, 2020

Since I came to university there have been many different websites that I have found along the way that have become such invaluable resources for me while I have been doing my assignment and have allowed me to save so much time. Today I am sharing my top 5 websites that aid with my uni assignments and will help me so much whilst working on assignments.  

1. Cite this for me
Cite this for me is a website that will generate references and citations for you, it has many different referencing styles. At my university, I have to use Harvard referencing however there are many different referencing styles including APA & MLA along with many other different citation styles. This has honestly saved my hours and is so easy to create references and citations.

2. Grammarly
A website that would probably be really helpful to use in A levels but has proved so helpful in university. On google chrome, you can download an extension so that whenever you write anything online be it an email, document, a blog post even it will pick up grammatical errors that I find work doesn’t always pick up.

3. Staying focused
I am the person that gets so distracted whenever I am doing uni assignments when I get bored and decide to take a ‘5-minute break’ which then turns into a plan out the rest of the week, check my socials, go have a snack, decide to have lunch, get distracted by housemates and before I know it my 5-minute break has turned into a ridiculously long break and I’m running out of time to complete my assignment before the deadline.   

Block yourself from websites - I have started to use websites to block myself from certain sites and it really helps with productivity. When you google there are so many different results for web blockers. However, the best one I have found works for me is one called stayfocused. The website will limit the amount of time you can spend on websites depending on what you have set. I find it extremely valuable and keeps me focused.

Flora app - Although this isn’t a website, I wanted to include it anyway as another way I stay focused. Flora is an app when you go on and set how long you want to stay focused for and it starts growing a plant in the time you want to stay focused. If you open your phone and go on apps it will then make the plant you've been growing die

4. Search in document
I know this isn’t a website either, but it is something I only just realized you could do and has honestly made assignments so much easier. When I write assignments, we are not allowed to use contractions so when I get to the end of my assignment I can use the find/search document function (command + f) on a mac then I can search for apostrophes and easily see if there are any words I have written as contractions and easily change them.

5. Quizlet
A website that I do not use anymore, but I found it very helpful during school when I had to revise for exams. I used it too creates different quiz cards and found it extremely helpful as a way to learn information. Especially seeing as on Quizlet there are many different modes to learn information.  


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