Veganuary | Preparation

by - January 05, 2020

So I have decided to take the plunge and try out Veganuary. I'm not sure if it will be something that I will continue after the month but it is something I have always wanted to try, and if I find some vegan alternatives to foods that I love them even better. There are a few different reasons why I have decided to do this and a few things that I did to prepare for the month which are as follows;

Why I am doing it

It's no secret that one of the most polluting industries in the world is the animal agriculture industry. Whether it's from the gases the animals produce, or the rainforests being decimated to make way for livestock. The amount of animal products we eat in this country is phenomenal and it is killing our planet. This will 'force' me to try new things that I might previously not wanted to and hopefully allow me to find new products that I would not have considered before. 

I love animals and have been Vegetarian since I was around 12 as when I grew older I struggled with the idea of eating them. However with the recent exposure to the harsh realities of the dairy industry it is also a product that I want to try and stop purchasing and contributing to an industry that I do not believe in, and I can then try and live a lifestyle without hurting others creatures. 

How I prepared

I decided that one of the most beneficial things to do would be to research what foods I could and couldn't eat so that I didn't spend the whole month just eat hummus (something I wouldn't be opposed to). One of the things that I quickly discovered is that milk is in everything, even things that you wouldn't expect like crisps. 

Trying alternatives beforehand
Before going fully vegan I the last half of December I started doing simple swaps such as trying out a different milk alternative - after reading reviews online I decided to try oat milk as I found that I actually prefer it to cows milk.

Stock the cupboards
Before it turned January 1st I decided that it would be beneficial to go to the supermarkets and stock up on everything Vegan. I got butter, pesto, snacks, chocolate and pretty much everything else I could find. looking through all the free-from sections in Tesco and Sainsbury's. Some of the best things I have tried so far are the coconut collaborative chocolate and salted caramel flavor pots, oatly oat milk, and homemade apple crumble using Vega butter for the crumble topping.


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