Cleansing my social media

by - January 19, 2020

In the past couple of weeks, I have been thinking about my social media and the people that I follow. I realized that I followed so many people that I was going onto Instagram and just looking at stories. It quickly became apparent to me that I never actually scroll through Instagram anymore and I am watching stories to clear the notification and not actually engaging in any of the content.

I have always felt apprehensive and a bit guilty for unfollowing someone, but I wanted to ‘cleanse’ my social media and make my feed something that I found inspiring and had content that I wanted to engage with.

So, I decided that it was time to go through my Instagram and unfollow all the accounts that I no longer engage with. Through doing this I also found that there were about 20 accounts that hadn't actually posted any content in years. I went through my following and looked at every account and asked myself Do I engage with this content? Is it something I am interested in? Do I want to follow the life of this person? If the answer was no then I simply unfollowed them. I managed to reduce my following by over 150 accounts and since doing this I have started to scroll down my feed more and found I am engaging a lot more with the content that I see.

I also decided to do this with my YouTube subscriptions. I haven't been through my YouTube since I first discovered YouTube, my sub box always seemed to have so many new videos but in reality, I didn’t engage with any of the content. I was subscribed to over 600 people and it became 'annoying' when I had a sub box full of at least 10 new videos all of which didn’t interest me.

Changing up my following has made me realize the following things:
1. Follow who you want, over time as you change the content you engage with will change
2. It's okay to unfollow someone, in time you'll feel better for making that decision
3. It's okay to take a social media break if/when you need it

I would recommend everyone to take 10 minutes to review who you follow online. YOU control what you see and what you engage with and in order to keep online a positive space, it is important to unfollow those who make you doubt yourself or aren't good for your mental health.


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