How I found going vegan for a month

by - February 02, 2020

So it is the end of January which also marks the end of Veganuary

In case you are unaware, Veganuary is where people pledge to become vegan for the month of January. They have loads of information available on their website and if at the start of the month you take the vegan pledge then they send you emails every day about advice and tips and tricks to help with your journey, you can check out their website here.   

Honestly, I found going vegan a lot easier than I thought, there are so many vegan options available and the Greggs vegan sausage roll was honestly delicious. I have discovered new foods that I love and it has encouraged me to start cooking from scratch again. It has made me meal prep a lot more for when I am going into University saving me so much money from buying my lunches at the shop.  

I have also made the decision to switch over to non-dairy milk. Going vegan really made me aware of the truth behind the dairy industry and it is something that I do not want to buy into anymore. I have currently tried soya and oat milk and oat is by far my favorite. 

going forward, I have decided that I am not going fully vegan as especially this year I have a lot of traveling coming up. In my everyday life, I am going to try my hardest to choose vegan options when I go out and live as vegan as possible. One of my goals for this year is to try and live a more sustainable lifestyle and change my makeup and skincare so that they are all cruelty-free.



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