Why I love to travel

by - February 09, 2020

Traveling and being able to experience different cultures is something that I will never grow tired of. There is nothing better than wandering around cobbled streets camera in hand disconnected from the internet and without a care in the world.

Each country, city, or town is different in its own unique way. They all thrive in such different corners of the world. I would quite happily spend all of my money traveling around the world rather than spend money on materialistic items as for me there is nothing more valuable than memories. As long as I have a camera with me, to capture photos so I can always look back on images with that sense of nostalgia and longing is what makes me crave travel more and more.

Everywhere that I travel is a new adventure, a new story, and new memory… there is not one Country where I have visited that I could compare to another as they are all so different and beautiful in so many different ways, even if I visit the same destination over and over. Memories that I have made through traveling will stay with me forever and will always be great stories to tell to others to share my stories.

I am also a strong believer in traveling being the greatest education you can receive. It the way I have been brought up and a belief that I now share with my parents. I think traveling has made me a richer person in so many ways. It has shown me so many different ways of life and has shown me some of the harsh conditions that people are living in, making me appreciate the little things in life even more.

Through traveling I have also met some amazing people. I have friends in literally all four corners of the world and through talking to locals in the places I visit it allows you to gain a great understanding of different ways of living. 

What places to travel are on your bucket list?


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